We always try to find new elements to integrate in our music. For many people you have listened to this new album, it's the album of maturity. So that's why the guitars have been lift to a next level I think. So there were more possibilities for guitars line, and we kept on sending each others files with updates. And his way of playing the guitar is more death metal than we use before. We had written songs for the new album before Isaac joined the band, that's right, but he also worked a lot with me on the final detail. And you hear the difference very obvious. Jeroen Simons had more guess influences on his way of play, and Ariën van Weesenbeeks' way of playing is more metal oriented. Yes, I think so, because since Ariën is in the band, the way of drumming is completely different than before. They both come from the death metal scene so do you think they contributed to make this album more metal or more "death" metal?

Ariën joined the band for "The Divine Conspiracy" and Isaac joined it while you were working on "Design Your Univers". It was for me also a special day, I had for the first time the CD in my hand, I didn't see it before so it was a very special moment. I was very happy to see there was such a run on CDs.

I was also happy on last Saturday (10th October), 'cauce it was the first time the album was on sale, at the released party, and we sold already 650 CDs the day. Very excited! We've been waiting for this moment for many months, and now, finally it's gonna be release. Hi, it's nice to meet you ! How do you feel few days before the release of "Design your Universe"? Hi, I'm Ostianne for the French Webzine Aux Portes Du Metal. Interview de Epica (Mark Jansen) Accueil Chros Coups de coeur Interviews Back To The Past Live Reports Sorties du mois Liens date